NURHMETAO1: Wellbeing promotion at Siilinjärvi Homecare
Savonia-ammattikorkeakoulun terveysalan kansainvälisen sairaanhoitajakoulutuksen opiskelijat ideoivat yhteistyössä Vetovoimainen vanhustyö -hankkeen kanssa neljä terveyden edistämisen projektia. Kehittämiskohteina olivat Kuopion kotihoidon Alavan ja Niiralan yksiköt ja Siilinjärven kotihoito. Projektit toteutettiin keväällä 2022 osana Health Promotion and Counselling Practice (NURHMETAO1) –opintojaksoa.
Elinan, Buhlen, Trangin ja Oleksandran kehittämisyksikkö oli Siilinjärven kotihoito. Teemana heillä oli hoitajien terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistäminen.
Projektin tavoitteet:
•Arvioida hoitajien mielipidettä heidän terveydentilastaan työvuoron jälkeen ja selviytymistapoja (kyselylomakkeella).
•Edistää hoitajan ammattien hyvinvointia, mikä johtaa korkeaan terveydenhuollon laatuun ja potilasturvallisuuteen.
•Säilyttää houkutteleva työympäristö kotihoidossa.
•Edistää positiivista työkuvaa vanhustenhoidossa.
•Auttaa yksikön johtoa hoitajien hyvinvoinnin edistämisessä
So why do we need to pay attention to wellbeing promotion in health care settings?
The main purpose of the blog is really to highlight that health promotion in workplaces is very critical. This year in particular, we have been privileged to work very closely with fantastic nursing teams implementing health promotion sessions and there is, in our view, no doubt that these sessions offer excellent opportunities and employability prospects for those who join.
The healthcare profession is often demanding and if the wellbeing of the staff is not taken care of there is high chances of burnout and fatigue resulting in stress. Our emphasy on this project was to encourage nurses to take care of their wellbeing and also the management to support the nurses by creating different wellbeing activities. It is extremely important that management is actively involved in the well-being promotion process. The poster we designed will be set as reminder to the nurses not to neglect themselves but always to take care of their total wellbeing.
How we implemented the project:
Visits, Webropol questionnaires, Presenting Sessions, Poster for Unit, Laughing yoga, Massage and relaxing equipments, food and chatting.
We first visited the unit in Siilinjärvi to have a picture of how the nursing team are organized and managed. Next, we collected their opinions towards their workload and ways to cope with physical and mental heaviness from the shifts by creating Webropol questionnaires.
We analyzed the results and combined with our evidence-based researches to make an appropriate presentation for the Presenting sessions. Together with presentation slides, we created a poster for the unit, prepared laughing yoga demonstration and massage and relaxing equipments. The sessions were organized in the community hall.
The sessions received very positive feedback from nurses of the unit. 100% of feedback are Good and Excellent.
Tekijät: Elina Kokkonen, Buhle Mutenure, Trang Nguyen ja Oleksandra Asseburg